Friday, February 28, 2020

Airplane accidents causes and prevention Research Paper

Airplane accidents causes and prevention - Research Paper Example The improved aviation operations enabled the aircraft to go on extended flights which it did not before this Act because there were more accidents in the early nineteenth century and no detailed investigation was performed. However, it is still important to understand what the main causes of airplane accidents are and what steps can be taken to improve the aviation so that air accidents can be avoided. Most often, it is the human error that causes crashes (Mello et al., 2008). Sometimes, the pilots are very experienced due to which they get over confident and tend to be careless. For example, running out of gasoline while the plane is on flight is a result of human carelessness when he thinks that he has enough to fly to the destination. There are a lot of issues while flying that may demand more gasoline than usual. This makes the pilot force landing which is in no way out of danger. McCormick and Papadakis (2003, p.4) state that there are a lot of reasons that cause aircraft components to fail and become a cause for airplane accident. Either there is a fault in the manufacturing of a certain part or more load than usual has been placed on it that causes it to malfunction. The structure may have been poorly designed so as to stimulate stress concentrations which result in fatigue collapse (McCormick & Papadakis). The authors assert that: Any aircraft flying can be torn apart by pulling back hard on the wheel at an excessive speed and thereby producing loads exceeding the ultimate values for which it was designed. A pilot may fly through severe turbulence, like a thunder storm, thereby causing high loads (p.4). It may happen that the aircraft design is such that an average pilot finds it hard to operate it. The controls may be improperly placed inside the cockpit enhancing the probability that the pilot mistakenly gives an incorrect control input. Mechanical components like gearboxes and couplings may

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Family in Europe History Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Family in Europe History - Coursework Example The Gratian solution to this problem was to suggest that marriage occurs in two stages, the first when consent is made and the second following intercourse. Although marriage was valid and binding after consent, it was made more intimate and complete only after intercourse. While this validated Mary and Joseph’s marriage, it still indicated their marriage wasn’t totally complete because, of course, Mary was a virgin. As a result, this solution didn’t satisfy the Christian concerns. The Lombard solution relied on semantics. Rather than suggesting that simple consent was necessary, Lombard suggested that this consent had to be made in the present tense, which distinguishes it as a marriage contract, therefore making Mary and Joseph’s marriage complete. This was distinguishable from a betrothal simply because it was uttered in the present tense; betrothals were made in future tense. Because it satisfied both concerns regarding how to distinguish marriage from betrothal and validated the marriage of Jesus and Mary, this definition of marriage was accepted, but it also introduced a significant shift in family power as regional lords, the church and the parents all lost the ability to forbid marriage, retaining only the power to disapprove of it. The agnatic lineage traces family kinship ties through the father’s line only. The women were completely ejected from the equation and any sense that the matrilineal line is the only sure line of descent was lost. This caused women to lose a great deal of their worth. As mentioned, they were no longer important to the family line other than to provide the means of acquiring the next generation. This loss caused them to also lose any claims of inheritance or particular care within their childhood family unit. Once they were married, they ceased to be of any importance to their birth family at all as any of their labors and the children they bear then belong to the family of the husband. By removing half of